Islamic Supplier Finance
Islamic Supplier Finance (ISF) is a buyer-centered program that offers finance to trading partners based on confirmed payables under the buyer's credit. It utilizes a compliant Cost-Plus Model and allows for flexible credit control at the supplier level.
ISF provides finance to trading partners through a compliant Cost-Plus Model, fostering buyer-supplier relationships and supporting supplier working capital while promoting ethical transactions in Islamic finance.
How Islamic Supplier Finance works
Enhanced Invoicing with Buyer Confirmation
In Finshare, supplier invoices with mandatory buyer confirmation streamline payments, enhance transparency, and ensure efficient and reliable invoicing for users.
Buyer Uploads Confirmed Payables
Finshare's buyer-confirmed payables simplify supplier financing, improving cash flow and stability while streamlining payments for users.
Supplier Requests Discount
FinShare's Supplier request discount feature allows users to negotiate invoice discounts, improving cash flow and financial stability.
Bank's Commodity Purchase
The bank completes a commodity purchase transaction with Broker 1, ensuring the acquisition of the desired commodity.
Bank resells the commodity to Broker 2
In a seamless process, the bank successfully procures a specific commodity from Broker 1, fulfilling its acquisition needs.
Bank advances cashes to Supplier via FinShare
Bank efficiently provides cash advances to suppliers, streamlining the funding process and supporting their financial needs.
Buyer pays at maturity
The buyer settles the payment when it reaches maturity, ensuring timely and agreed-upon transactions.
How FinShare Uses Islamic Supplier Finance to Benefit You
Learn more below about how FinShare uses Islamic Supplier Finance to benefit businesses and optimize financial health. FinShare's proprietary technology streamlines the Islamic Supplier Finance process, making it faster and more efficient for businesses.
Additionally, FinShare offers personalized support and guidance to ensure that businesses are making the most of their financing options and optimizing their financial health.
Efficient Payables Management
Allow corporates to manage their Payables Finance and extend payment terms with regional and international suppliers.
Fair & Transparent Operations
Conduct business in a fair and transparent manner. FinShare will guide users through to ensure full understanding of risks and costs.
Enhanced Trade Facilitation
Facilitate trade and improve payment and financial terms between corporates and their supplier network.
Improved Transparency Assurance
Greater transparency which make everything clear-cut and easy to understand with little room for surprise payments or hidden fees.
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